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Language exercises I

Class at Faculty of Education |


The goal of the language exercises is the development of all language skills (listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing), including interaction. Students deal with selected grammatical phenomena of the German language in connection with thematic areas supporting the deepening of vocabulary knowledge.

The global goal is the gradual achievement of level B2. In addition to the practice of grammatical phenomena intended for all seminar groups, language exercises also provide the opportunity to address the individual needs of individual students' language improvement.

Content focus of the seminar: Past tense and perfect tense. Word order in simple sentence.

Sentences. Mutual position of adverbial determinations.

Sentence frame. Some types of subordinate clauses.

Declension of nouns. Possessive.

Interrogative pronouns. Declension of adjectives (after definite and indefinite articles).

Declension of personal pronouns. Indefinite pronouns.

Possibilities of expressing the negative in German. Thematic areas: Writing and literature.

Culture and Society. Schooling and education.