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Introduction to Linguistics

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Říjen (září-říjen): Filologie; různé definice jazyka; jazyk jako prostředek komunikace a znakový systém.

Listopad: Fonetika, fonologie; morfematika, morfologie (u morfologických kategorií se jedná o rozšíření slovní zásoby - osvojení cizojazyčné terminologie); školní syntax (u syntaktických kategorií se jedná o rozšíření slovní zásoby - osvojení cizojazyčné terminologie).

Prosinec: (Strukturalistická) syntax 2. poloviny 20. století

Leden: Základní pojmy z textové lingvistiky a stylistiky; ohlédnutí za kurzem.


The content of the course consists of the following thematic areas: the study of German within the framework of foreign language philology. Linguistics, its subject and methods of research.

Language as a means of communication, the functions of language; language as a sign system. Geographical, social and contextual-functional stratification of language.

Genealogical and morphological classification of NJ. Systematization of sub-disciplines of linguistics.

Individual meaning-making levels in NJ (phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicology, syntax). Textual linguistics (and basic information about the concept of style and functional style types.

Topics for self-study: Development of NJ - Indo-European origin of NJ, Germanic, Old High German, Middle High German, New High German. Development of NJ in the 20th century.

Contemporary German language and its varieties in German-speaking countries (German, Austrian and Swiss German). Areas of applied linguistics - basic facts about sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics.