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History of German speaking countries I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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- Uvedení do problematiky dějin Německa, Rakouska a Švýcarska v datech;

- Germánské kmeny a Franská říše;

- Svatá říše římská od středověku po novověk;

- Vídeňský kongres a Německý spolek;

- Revoluce 1848;

- Vznik Německého císařství;

- Bismarckova éra;

- Vilémovské Německo;

- 1. světová válka;

- Výmarská republika;

- Habsburská říše;

- Rakouská republika;

- Vznik a rozvoj Švýcarské konfederace.


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the history of the German-speaking countries from the end of the Holy Roman Empire (1806) to 1945. The course focuses on the basic social trends of the 19th century (liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, socialism) in relation to the history of the German Commonwealth up to the restoration of the German Empire (1871) and the era of a united Germany.

In parallel, the history of the Habsburg monarchy is discussed from the establishment of the Austrian Empire to the end of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in 1918. In the 20th century, the course focuses on the Weimar Republic (1918-1933), the rise of fascism and the outbreak of World War II.

In Austria of this period, the course focuses on the weakened and unstable Austrian Republic, the so-called Estates State after 1934 until the annexation of Austria by fascist Germany in 1938. In Switzerland, it touches on the issue of neutrality and the specific development of a country that did not participate in any of the world wars.

The course includes discussions of the different eras.