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Phonetics and phonology of the German language II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Srovnání fonologického systému češtiny a němčiny.

Artikulační stereotypy při realizaci jednotlivých hlásek.

Pravidla výslovnosti hlásek a hláskových kombinací v NJ.

Suprasegmentální prvky.




Stylistické varianty spisovné výslovnosti v NJ.


The aim of the course is to introduce the issue of standardized pronunciation of the German language. In the lectures, students get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of the disciplines of phonetics and phonology.

In the seminars, they systematically practice standard pronunciation. The content of the course consists of the following topics: Comparison of the phonological system of Czech and German.

Articulatory stereotypes in the realization of individual sounds. Pronunciation rules and phonetic combinations in German.

Suprasegmental elements. Coarticulation.

Assimilation. Reduction.

Stylistic variants of literary pronunciation in German. The seminars end with an output recording of the same text, which allows students to find out their progress.