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Introduction to the study of literature

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Úvod

2. Epika Struktura epického díla: Téma a motiv. Děj. Čas. Prostor. Postava. Vypravěč Kompozice Jazyk Epické žánry

3. Lyrika Jazyk. Tropy a figury Struktura verše Verš a řádek Versifikační systémy. Přesah. Metrum a rytmus  Druhy verše Rým. Strofa

4. Drama Prostor. Čas. Postava Jazyk. Dialog. Konflikt


The aim of this subject is to arrange in form of a lecture the basic theoretic knowledge from the field of literary science. Students of this lectures should be prepared to complete analytical assignments outside the class. The seminar involves the reading and analysis of written materials of different kinds of works in German (prose, poetry, drama). Students will be encouraged to develop their own interpretations to literature that are well supported by specific evidence from the text. All learners of Introduction to Literature should be ready to analyse whatever they read critically by the end of the course.

Written exam consists of two parts. In the first theoretical part is tested the attained theoretical knowledge from the field of literary science. The learner answers ten questions. In the second practical part of the exam the student gets a text and his task is to interpret it as complexly as possible. In this case not only originality and complexity are evaluated but also language skills. The final mark is the average of the theoretical and practical part.