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Practical Language IV

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of the language exercises is to develop all language skills (listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing) including interaction. Students work on selected grammatical phenomena of the German language in connection with thematic areas supporting the deepening of vocabulary knowledge.

The aim is to gradually reach level B2. Beyond the practice of grammatical phenomena designed for all seminar groups, the language exercises also provide opportunities to address the individual language development needs of each student.

Content of the seminar: The subjunctive of the preterite and the descriptive form würde + infinitive. Adjective declension after the null article.

Adjectives and adverbs in conjunction with indefinite pronouns. The null article in nouns.

Conjunctions of verbs, nouns and adjectives. Fractions, decimals, percentages.

Word formation. Thematic areas.

Culture. Art.
