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Říjen - seznámení s obsahem kurzu; rozdělení referátů (spisy J. Levého); drobné překlady z oblasti filologie a kulturních věd.

Listopad - prezentace referátů + přípravná cvičení na psaní seminární práce.

Prosinec - samostatná práce (práce na závěrečním překladu, který je zároveň seminární prací, tj. výstupem z kurzu).

Leden - zpěný pohled na kurz a odevzdání semisnární práce (v posledním výukovém týdnu semestru).


The course focuses on translation training as a means of learning about the culture of the target language and as a means of deepening linguistic cognition.

The course covers the following problem areas: 1) introduction to basic academic literature; 2) translation of small texts with a predominance of translations from German into Czech and with a partial representation of translations from Czech into German; 3) work with literary language (translation from German into Czech).

In small exercises, texts from different functional style types will be used, namely texts related mainly to philological disciplines and partly to culture studies. Examples include: a) translation of a guide text (focusing on cognitive realities); b) translation of a PR-text from the cultural field (focusing on intercultural aspects of reception); c) specialist translations (e.g. translation of a linguistic or literary studies lexicon entry); d) translation exercises with key information retrieval.

The course will also include an attempt at an artistic translation of one's own (in the form of a collaborative translation of a previously unpublished work of children's literature in Czech), which will be the subject of a term paper.