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Practical language and regional studies I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Sylabus- semináře

1. Mein Leben und meine Familie2. Passiv in allen sechs Tempora3. Passiv in allen sechs Tempora, Wiederholung4. Vorgans- und Zustandspassiv5. Umschreibungsformen des Passivs6. Wortstellung im Haupt- und Nebensatz, Negation7. Konjunktiv II und seine Bildung8. Konjunktiv II und seine Umschreibung9. Konjunktiv II und sein Gebrauch10. Textarbeit11. Textarbeit Sylabus přednášky: Vídeňský kongres, politické ideje od

19. století, Německá říše 1871-1918, Výmarská republika, Třetí říše, Evropa po druhé světové válce, SRN 1949-1990, NDR 1949-1990, znovusjednocené Německo, Rakousko v

19. a

20. století, Švýcarsko a jeho neutralita.


In the language exercises, students work on selected grammatical phenomena of the German language on the basis of common texts; the language exercises also support the development of all four communicative skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The focus is on improving students' expressive skills in grammar and vocabulary, with the aim of gradually reaching B2+ level.

Beyond the practice of grammatical phenomena designed for all seminar groups, the language exercises also provide opportunities to address the individual language improvement needs of each student. Overview of the main topics.

Conversational topics: family, occupation, study, job application, cover letter. The course includes a lecture on the culture and history of the German-speaking countries.

This semester's program includes basic data on German, Austrian, and Swiss history from the 19th to the 21st centuries in a European context.

Study programmes