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Special Educational Practice II.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Student pokračuje v práci s portfoliem oborové praxe. Zakládá vlastní reflektivní dokumentaci praxe (vede záznamy z hospitací, rozhovorů s klienty/žáky, vytváří přípravy na vlastní asistentskou praxi, provádí průběžné hodnocení vlastní praxe).

Záznamy z praxe jsou klíčovým materiálem v programu předmětu Program řízené reflexe speciálního pedagoga II.

Obsahové vymezení: seznámení s vybraným pracovištěm;  plnění úkolů pod supervizí speciálního pedagoga; vedení záznamů formou portfolia; rozbory vlastní asistentské praxe, reflexe.

Studenti využívají elektronický systém podpory v Moodle, kam vkládají zpracované úkoly.


The aim of the compulsory internship is to consolidate general, professional and special pedagogical, special-pedagogical and psychological knowledge by verifying it through practical application. The compulsory subjects of field practice are included in all years of the Bachelor's degree programme so that their focus enables the systematic development of the student's competences in the field of special education/logopedics.

Emphasis is placed on gradually increasing the demands on students in practical activities with a close link to the graduate profile. The Field Experience Portfolio is used as an evaluative tool for formative assessment.

The focus of the practice activities and their performance is closely linked to the content of the simultaneous course Reflection on Pedagogical Practice. Field Practice II builds on the experience gained by students in the subject Field Practice I and in the related Reflective Seminar I.

It provides students with the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the subjects of the profiling basis, in particular the subjects Special Pedagogy of the Disabled Person with Hearing Impairment and Special Pedagogy of the Disabled Person with Impaired Communication Ability. Extends the students' work at the assigned workplace to include partial assistantships under the supervision of a designated staff member.

Students enter practice with the aim of acquiring basic professional knowledge and skills to support understanding of the interrelationships of biological conditioning and social determination in the formation of the personality of a person with disabilities in the physical, psychological or social sphere. The practice is implemented in schools, where students have the opportunity to observe the methods and forms of work with the pupil, the activities of the teacher, teaching assistant, special educator, and to get personally involved in these activities.

The intention is to lead students to apply theoretical knowledge to special education practice and to acquire the skills to reflect on the experience gained in the special education field. The internship takes place in schools and educational institutions according to Paragraph 9 of Article 16.

It is organized as a supervised assistantship with a focus on the education of children and pupils with hearing impairment.