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Special Educational Practice III.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Student si volí jeden typ zařízení, které ve své činnosti uplatňuje logopedickou intervenci. Zapojuje se do činností a připravuje si materiál pro vlastní práci s klientem.

Následuje reflexe praxe, která umožní vzájemně propojovat prakticky ověřené dovednosti, uvádět je do souvislostí s teoretickým základem metod a forem speciálně pedagogického/logopedického působení.


The aim of the course is the practical work of students at speech therapy and sign language therapy workplaces, during which students apply their theoretical knowledge and gain new experience with the reality of the profession. Their experiences in practice are then the subject of joint discussion and personal consultation with the practice supervisor.

Following this course, students carry out reflections on practice, of which supervision is an important part. Supervision leads students to a deeper understanding of the issues and the professionalisation of professional activities.

The student chooses one type of facility where he/she engages in activities and prepares material for the "practice reflection" that will follow the visits to the respective facility. The seminar leader answers the student's questions related to the practice, checks their participation in the facilities, activity during the practice, etc.

If possible, the teachers of theoretical subjects related to this type of practice will also participate in the practice seminar. This will create the advantage of feedback, whereby lecturers will have the opportunity to focus their lectures more on areas of interest or difficulty for students.