1. Úvod: objev individuality. Formulace základních otázek psychologické antropologie.
2. Starověké já.
3. Individualita, autenticita, neautenticita, racionalita a iracionalita.
4. Jak jiný je Jiný: testování percepce mezi kulturami, otázka inteligence a socializace.
5. Autentická kultura: Boas, Sapir, Benedictová.
6. Norma a odchylka. Škola kultury a osobnosti: Meadová a Bateson.
7. Psychoanalýza a kultura: Freudovská antropologie.
8. Neofreudiánské přístupy: Kardiner, Du Bois a studie národního charakteru.
9. Srovnávací antropologie: Whitingovi.
10. Kultura a identita: Mead, Hallowell, Goffman.
11. Kreativita a jinakost: Turner, Obeysekere, Crapanzano.
12. Interpretace a kritika: Geertz, Shweder, Scheper-Hughes.
The aim of the course is to provide introduction to the field of psychological anthropology and it is a follow-up to the course Cultural anthropology for psychologists. Psychological anthropology focuses on the relationship between subjectivity and culture and on the model of person in culture.
The lecture leads the student through the works of key authors that helped to formulate core questions of psychological anthropology. The semina is aimed at readings of psychological anthropological texts.