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Social Psychology for Educators

Class at Faculty of Education |


1.    Social psychology topics and methods

2.    Social cognition – social perceptions, attitudes, cognitive dissonance, spotlight effect

3.    Social self – social identity theory, social comparison

4.    Social learning and self-concept – locus of control, self-efficacy, learned helplessness

5.    Social influence – conformity, obedience

6.    Social influence – expectations, persuasion

7.    Social groups – norms, group thinking

8.    Discrimination and aggressive behavior – stereotype threat, prejudice, exclusion, bullying

9.    Prosocial behavior – altruism, social exchange theory


The class introduces students into the basic findings of social psychology with a focus on the educational context. The course presents benefits of selected findings from the field of social cognition, social identity, social influence, and social relations.

Seminars will address critical reflection of social psychology findings and their implications for teaching.