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Leisure-time Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


Definition of the concept of interest in the context of free time pedagogy; The relationship between interests, needs and abilities from an ontogenetic point of view, the function of interests and interest activities in a person's life, factors influencing the development of interests.Legislation for the management of interest departments within entities implementing organized interest activities.Spontaneous and organized interest activities depending on pedagogical diagnosis.Goals of interest activities in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.Methods and organizational forms of interest activities; Structure of the meeting of the department of interest, preparation of the leader for the meeting.Motivation for interest activities, solving the relationship between the principle of voluntariness and pedagogical influence; Participation of members of the interest department in activities.


This leisure time class is a broader introduction to the theory of free time pedagogy with a focus on the interests and hobbies of pupils, as a set of organized and purposeful free time activities. It guides the graduates of the teaching course to acquire knowledge and skills enabling to determine the content, methods and forms of specific interest activities for various age categories, thanks to which the graduate is able to implement and evaluate activities, methods of solving unusual educational situations, basic regulations and legal norms for the activity of interest departments.

Objective: The student is able to define the goals and forms of education in students' free time, master the basic terminology of free time pedagogy, explain the pedagogical principles of free time activities. Students use the terminology of general didactics in the context of interest activities (Valenta, operationalized goal/core activity, OSV principles: practical, personified, accompanying; Jirásek, experience/experience, holistic education; Jonassen, Land, Mareš, Pelikán, Jirásek, Holec, Neuman, learning environment accentuating the student, pedagogy of the environment - direct and indirect educational influence; Vygotský, Křivohlavý, zone of immediate development; Csikszentmihalyi, Flow/stress/boredom; Kolb, Hanuš, Drahanská, experiential learning, reflection, formative assessment, constructivism in teaching, Čáp, Mareš , Kalhous)..

They interpret the activity/game as a method in connection with the leisure goal (affective, psychomotor, cognitive domain of goals). They compare the possibilities of social motivation (needs of the group; reference frame of the group) of the individual with the situation of group dynamics (also in connection with the goals of developing the competence to cooperate)