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Student well-being

Class at Faculty of Education |


Do you want to work on your own well-being, study more comfortably - and quite possibly even more successfully? Then this course could be for you the right choice. Recently, universities have noticed an increased interest in the study of this phenomenon and they themselves want to actively support the well-being of their students. This semester-long online course is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the latest approaches and theories. The result is the adoption of habits that build your own well-being, which will positively affect not only you, but also your study results. At each of the planned webinars, we will briefly look at the latest scientific knowledge in the field of well-being, introduce research-proven activities that build well-being, and try how to apply such activities to the daily life of a student.

We begin with a joint review of the data obtained in the field of positive psychology over the past two decades. We will focus on the relatively new well-being support framework, PERMA5, which represents the basic building blocks of happiness, which we will focus on during the next semester. For example, we will discuss physical health, positive thinking, creating a positive environment, economic security, positive emotions, engagement, good relationships, meaning in life, success and our authenticity.

Together, webinar after webinar, through lectures, group discussions and practice activities, we will learn how to take care of our well-being, thanks to which we can piece together a satisfied student life bit by bit.