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Assistance Teaching Practice in Russian Language

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Hospitace v hodinách ruského jazyka

Asistence učitele při přípravě na výuku

Asistence učitele při výuce


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with Russian language teaching and the work of a teacher in a real school environment of primary and secondary school and to develop reflective and self-reflective skills of the student. Students reflect on the teaching process and all other activities of the teacher, especially focusing on ways of individualizing teaching, working with students with different special needs.

Students also participate in the work of the teaching assistant, e.g. in group, pair or individual work of pupils in the classroom, in the organisation of pupils' preparation for various competitions, in project-based learning, etc. The students discuss their findings both directly in school with the faculty teacher and in reflective seminars with the teacher in faculty seminars.

Study programmes