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Sports and physical activities I

Class at Faculty of Education |



Athletic warm-upRunning technique training, special running exercises (running alphabet),Practice of starts - flying, falling, semi-high, low, pedaling way of running - accelerationPractice throwing balls - the back method from the placePractice throwing balls - the backstroke method with sunoCurriculum review, revision

Gymnastic sports:

Nomenclature of flat exercisesIntroductory and preparatory part of the lesson for different age and performance categories, use of musical accompaniment in the warm-upWays of determining body posture, education for individually optimal body postureExercises without tools, exercises with tools (typed and untyped), with and on tools, exercises with musical accompaniment.Learning movement skills from the field of basic gymnasticsDevelopment of health-oriented fitness using the means of basic gymnasticsGymnastics games

Swimming sports:

Familiarization with the meaning, tasks and goals of swimming in all its formsGetting to know the basics of swimming biomechanics (theory, practice)History of swimming, development of the technique of swimming breaststroke, backstroke, backstroke (theory, practice). Practical mastery of basic swimming skills and expanding the number of special swimming skillsTraining and mastering the technique of swimming backstroke, backstroke, breast according to FINA rules, including starts and turnsImproving the technique of individual swimming methods with the use of swimming aids (fins, paddles, plates, "piskets")Increasing swimming fitness, especially endurance and strength through training methods: interval, alternating and distance. Expanding special swimming skills and abilities

Sports games:

Ways of relaxing with the ball - dribble, two-strokePassingShooting at the basket - technique and types of shootingShieldingManeuvering a player without the ball and with the ball and defendingTaking the ballSlipping throughGame combinations in attack and defenseGame systems in offense and defense


The subject is aimed at acquiring basic knowledge, skills and didactic procedures in athletics, sports games, swimming and gymnastic sports (one hour per week for each sport). Athletics – getting to know and improvement training of selected movement activities and athletic disciplines, differencies of technique for children and youth (running, special running exercises, starts, shot put).

Gymnastics – getting to know the theoretical foundations of basic gymnastics and training of basic skills, focusing on the introductory and preparatory parts of the lesson for different age categories (physical education terminology, exercises without equipment, with equipment and on apparatus). Swimming – getting to know the meaning of swimming and training of swimming skills and individual swimming styles according to FINA rules, including starts and turns (basic swimming skills, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle).

Sports games - learning the rules and technique of basketball (individual game activities, game combinations and basic game systems, decision-making in basketball). During teaching, physical contact may occur in accordance with the correct teaching methodology and when providing rescue and assistance.