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Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis

Class at Faculty of Education |


Bachelor's thesis: basic information, structure, approval of the Ethics Committee, information search options

Science: definitions, characteristics, properties, goals, procedures

Function of scientific theory, qualitative and quantitative view, scientific problem

Theoretical and theoretical-empirical work, differences in structure between both types of work

Basic methods of data acquisition: observation, experiment

Basic methods of data collection: questionnaires, interviews

Basic methods of data acquisition: testing Basic methods of data analysis and their interpretation and principles of creating a bachelor's thesis

Presentation of students' bachelor theses projects (advice, tips, consultation, discussion)


The aim is to introduce students to the basics of research methodology, which will allow students to perform the necessary procedures in creating a bachelor's thesis. The methodology of the bachelor's thesis will define the differences between qualitative and quantitative research, analyze two basic types of work (theoretical and theoretical-empirical) and describe two basic scientific research methods (observation and experiment).

The use of information sources with an emphasis on finding professional scientific sources will also be presented. Students will be acquainted with the structure of the bachelor's thesis and with the basics of descriptive and inductive statistics.

The course ends with the elaboration of the concept of the bachelor's thesis and its presentation.