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Health physical education

Class at Faculty of Education |


Health physical education:

1. Theoretical background Health TV - system of physical culture, division, types of weakness.

2. Integration of children with disabilities into TV lessons.

3. Creating exercise programs for various weaknesses. Preventive programs, compensation of physical and mental stress.

4. Muscle imbalance and its consequences. Correct and defective posture, the effect of physical exercise on posture.

5. Acquisition of selected diagnostic methods and basic compensatory means.

6. Stretching, strengthening, relaxing and breathing exercises, coordination and balance.

7. Exercises with equipment (bars, skipping ropes, elastic strokes, balance balls)

8. Exercises on tools (ladders, benches, beams, trampolines, Swedish boxes, ladders).

9. Methodical outputs of students. Massages:

1. Fatigue and regeneration after exercise

2. Theory of sports massage, types

3. Tactile technique and effects of sports massage

4. Contraindications permanent and temporary in healthy and sick athletes

5. Auxiliary massage means and their use

6. Hygiene and ethics of sports massage

7. The environment of the masseuse and the supporting role of the masseur Health physical education: Theory Health physical education in the system of physical culture, in school TV and RVP and extracurricular activities. Individual types of impairment (movement, cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, sensory, neuropsychological, gynecological, elderly people). Posture, diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system. Balancing exercises - means of movement and methods. Stretching, strengthening, relaxation, breathing, coordination and balance exercises. Suitable and unsuitable exercises for individual types of impairment. Practice: Body posture, methods of determining body posture, body diagram. Basic diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system. Postural defects, weakening of the lower limbs. Utilization of health physical education funds in the framework of prevention of individual impairments. Suitable and unsuitable exercises for individual types of impairment. Advantage of exercise selection, starting position, correct exercise technique. Use of various tools and implements within the health physical education. Musical accompaniment in health physical education.


The inclusion of health physical education in the system of physical education, in the Framework Education Programme. Transfer of health physical education principles to school and extracurricular TV.

Emphasis is placed especially on exercises when the musculoskeletal system is weakened. Other types of impairment.

Use of regenerative means as load compensation. Getting to know the theory of regeneration after exercise and sports massage.

Understanding the rules and principles of the sports massage procedure, its types, touch techniques, contraindications, massage aids, hygiene and ethics of sports massage.