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Origins of European Culture

Class at Faculty of Education |


1) Ancient culture and art - pre-Hellenic art

2) Ancient art and architecture - Greece from the 7th century. BC to 6th century AD

3) Ancient art and architecture - Greece from the 5th century. BC to 3rd century AD

4) Ancient art and architecture - Etruria and Rome from the beginning to the last emperors.

5) Medieval art: early Christian, Byzantine, Carolingian, Ottonian and Romanesque.

6) The origin of Gothic - Saint Denis and its European expansion, cathedrals in France and Europe.

7) Art and architecture of the time of Great Moravia and the first Přemyslids.

8) Art and architecture of the last Přemyslids.

9) Art and architecture of the time and the time of John of Luxembourg and King Charles.

10) Art and architecture of the time of Emperor Charles IV. and Wenceslas IV.

11) Art and architecture of late Gothic.


Introduction to the art and architecture of antiquity in the Mediterranean and Europe: Prehellenic art - Crete, Mycenae, Troy; Ancient art and architecture - Greece from the 7th century. BC to 3rd-century n. l., Etruria and Rome until the time of the last emperors. Medieval architecture and art: early Christian, Byzantine, Carolingian, Ottonian and Romanesque. Origin and European expansion of Gothic - Saint-Denis, cathedrals in France and Europe. Art and architecture of the last Přemyslid and Luxembourg period. The course is associated with visits to collections with the art culture of ancient antiquity, supplemented by the study of basic literature and visits to exhibitions and exhibitions of contemporary art. The aim is to gain the competence to understand the meaning of historical perception of reality, the relations of past art to the present, professional aspects of art and art culture and to express themselves about them is understood and internalized professional terms.

1) Ancient culture and art - pre-Hellenic art

2) Ancient art and architecture - Greece from the 7th century. BC to 3rd-century n. l.

3) Ancient art and architecture - Etruria and Rome from the beginning to the last emperors.

4) Medieval art: early Christian, Byzantine, Carolingian, Ottonian and Romanesque.

5) The origin of Gothic - Saint-Denis and its European expansion, cathedrals in France and Europe.

6) Art and architecture of the last Přemyslid and Luxembourg.