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Analysis and Interpretation of an Art Piece

Class at Faculty of Education |


The course is focused on introducing students to the issues of reception and interpretation of visual works of art. It emphasizes the development of students' perceptual and interpretive abilities and deepens the necessary foundations in the field of art theory and critical thinking.

Emphasis is placed on the ability of interdisciplinary overlaps (modern intermedia tendencies and relations to other artistic disciplines). The subject matter is not primarily viewed by a chronological division of traditional art history, but on the contrary is presented as a dynamic field of structural, formal and symbolic relationships, where awareness of the historical context is only one of the criteria.

The comparison of works of art developed in all the above-mentioned areas is also used as an effective means of developing students' abilities. The course should allow students not only a more comprehensive view of the work of art but also to develop their skills in approaching either old or contemporary art within their pedagogical activities.

Content: The course is based on an approach to the various basic methods of interpretation of a work of art. This is done both through working with selected works of art and through working with several sample texts, selected for teaching from a wide range of possibilities from antiquity to contemporary art theory and criticism.

Students are acquainted with the possibilities of formal analysis of a work of art, with various methods of searching for symbolic relationships (eg iconography or symbolism of forms), structuralist or semiotic approach, as well as with the possibilities developed in modern visual studies and critical theory and feminism.