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Subject Praxis II with a Reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1) úvodní setkání (organizace semestru, představení vyučujících, škol a institucí, informace k jednotlivým typům praxí) 2) návštěvy škol a dalších vzdělávacích institucí dle konkrétních podmínek 3) prezentace a reflexe pedagogického deníku


Field practice in art education allows students to look into the practice of teaching art education in various types of institutions. Students choose one of the internship variants according to their preferences.

Pedagogical practice in leisure facilities: its goal is the systematic support and development of students' competencies in working with primary, secondary school and adult pupils in leisure facilities focused on creative art activities. An integral part of the goal is the opportunity to get acquainted with various forms and possibilities of art-oriented courses and circles.

The student will have the opportunity to work systematically with students in the field of activity planning and leadership or assistance of interest groups. Specifically, this means that students systematically and regularly work with a group of students in an art-oriented leisure facility.

This internship enables students to gain knowledge and experience with the organization, provision and management of hobby, educational and recreational activities and thus deepen practical skills in the field of pupil management at the primary and secondary school level. The practice is reflected and students take records of its progress and include them in the pedagogical portfolio.

Teaching practice: this type of alternative practice allows students to practice in galleries, museums and other cultural institutions, where they will be able to apply after a bachelor's degree as a lecturer in hobby education in the field of work with works of art and educated spectators. During the internship, students observe the work of lecturers, participate in the preparation and implementation of educational programs.

The internship is reflected and students take records of its progress and include them in the pedagogical portfolio. Introductory meetings; visits to schools and other educational institutions according to specific conditions; presentation and reflection of the pedagogical diary.