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Basics of Two-dimensional and Spatial Creation I.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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MgA. Jan Pfeiffer / MgA. Michal Sedlák, Ph.D. prostorová tvorba:

MgA. Pavla Gajdošíková Ph. D. plošná tvorba:


The course focuses on studio teaching, which connects the area and spatial perception of a work of art. It is the first introduction and meeting of students with historical and contemporary tendencies in fine arts and its subsequent transformation into the pedagogical process.

The course is divided into block teaching and is led by two teachers, practical seminars thematically follow each other, they connect. In the first part of the course focused on surface creation, students will learn the basic principles of surface creation, especially drawing and painting, and will integrate it into a theoretical context.

In the second part of the course, which is focused on spatial creation, students focus on the basic orientation in spatial creation, its terminology and the history of the field. Introduction of the main current representatives and directions.

Experimental knowledge of the possibilities of working with space in the form of simple exercises. It will focus on understanding the properties of materials, different ways of their use.

Studio teaching blends conceptually and formally during the presentation of the exhibition or the author's portfolio of students. Part of the whole process of students' work is continuous reflection and self-evaluation of the art process, which also helps to understand the author's work from the position of art teacher.

Understanding and placing one's work in the context of contemporary art, through a visit to an exhibition at a gallery institution. The course generally focuses on the transformation of tacit knowledge into pedagogical practice.

The aim of the course is to get acquainted with and subsequently understand the basic functions of artistic expression in fine arts in one's work and the subsequent ability to transform the acquired knowledge and artistic skills into the didactic competencies of the teacher.