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Subject Praxis

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1) úvod do pedagogických praxí (organizace semestru, představení vyučujících, škol a institucí, informace k jednotlivým typům praxí)

2) záznamový arch a klíčové didaktické kategorie

3) profesní kompetence: refletivní kompetence vyučujících VV a reflektivní bilance

4) konceptová analýza a konceptová mapa

5) reflexe a diskuze situací a zkušeností z praxí

6) pedagogické portfolio


Field practice in art education allows students to look into the practice of teaching art education in various types of institutions. According to their preferences, students choose one of the internship variants: Orientation internship at school: This type of internship aims to support students' interest in teaching art education and motivate them to further education, incl. continuation of a master's study focused on the preparation of teachers of general education subjects at primary and secondary schools.

Teaching practice in leisure facilities: the aim of this type of practice is the systematic support and development of students' competencies in working with primary, secondary and adult pupils in leisure facilities focused on creative arts. An integral part of the goal is the opportunity to get acquainted with various forms and possibilities of art-oriented courses and circles.

Assistantship at school: the aim of this type of internship is to get acquainted with the school environment and the content and demands of the work of an art teacher. An integral and important part of the goal is the systematic support and development of students' competencies in the field of individualized, differentiated and inclusive teaching in the primary and secondary school environment.

Teaching practice: this type of alternative practice allows students to practice in galleries, museums and other cultural institutions, where after graduation they will be able to apply as lecturers in hobby education in the field of work with works of art and educated educated viewer during its course, they keep records of its course and include them in the pedagogical portfolio.