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From the Beginnings of the 19th Century to Avant-Garde Art

Class at Faculty of Education |


1) From the Enlightenment and Classicism to the Empire. Goya, Ingres, David. 2) Romanticism, historical styles of architecture, sculpture and arts and crafts, salon and historical painting.

Reflections of artistic expressions of the 19th century in contemporary art. 3) Realism, Barbizon school, Courbet, Corot, Rodin. 4) Impressionism, post-impressionism, Art Nouveau, art around 1900. 5) Fauvism and expressionism. 6) Cubism in Paris and Prague. 7) Origin of abstract art. Constructivism.

Functionalism in architecture.  8) Dada, surrealism, social art. The more extensive content of the course will allow students of the full study plan a deeper immersion into the issue and will be fulfilled through the modification of requirements for students.


Transformation of thought, culture and art in the Enlightenment and after the Great French Revolution. Long 19th century from classicism, empire and historical styles to romanticism, realism, symbolism and impressionism to secession.

The birth of modern art and architecture around 1900. Fauvism, expressionism, cubism and cubist architecture, abstraction, dada, art-deco, functionalism, social art, surrealism and their changes until 1945.

The aim is to understand the new meaning of 19th-century art for today, and, conversely, a reflected understanding of modern art and the transformation of its stimuli into contemporary art. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the changes of fine arts from the beginning of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century through cross-sectional topics.

The concept of the subject is not based on factual knowledge. These are just a means to cultivate visual literacy, the ability to look for context in a broader context. 1) From the Enlightenment and Classicism to the Empire.

Goya, Ingres, David. 2) Romanticism, historical styles in architecture, sculpture and arts and crafts, salon and historical painting. Reflections of 19th century artistic expressions in contemporary art. 3) Realism, Barbizon school, Courbet, Corot, Rodin. 4) Impressionism, post-impressionism, Art Nouveau, art around 1900. 5) Fauvism and expressionism. 6) Cubism in Paris and Prague. 7) The emergence of abstract art.

Constructivism. Functionalism in architecture. 8) Dada, surrealism, social art.