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Painting, Drawing

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Úvodní setkání, seznámení s časovou dotací, počtem a náplní lekcí a klasifikací; osobnost pedagoga a kritéria vztahu ke studentovi.  Stanovení individuálních úkolů; úkoly, řešení, postupy, varianty a zacílení; úkoly, řešení, postupy, varianty, diskuse, informace; úkoly, kvality a zápory; hodnocení.


The course studio is focused on the integration of knowledge and experience from theoretical, artistic and didactic subjects, so as to enable the student to develop his own artistic feelings and thinking in creating an authentic work having content and formal qualities, which reflects the ability to orient in contemporary art and art, associated with the ability to develop individual structural elements in detail and the whole in the formal construction of their own artwork and reflective interpretation of perceived reality. Personal experience and ability of self-reflection in the study process are an important component for the development of the student's personality, who moves in the studio through individual programs and concepts set in mutual discussion with the teacher and which allows him to gain practical experience in mastering the patterns of techniques and technologies of expressive potential in creating.

The educator primarily takes into account the student's needs in relation to his personality and talents. The whole study and work procedures depend on the number of lessons that are primarily led to the output.

The resulting artefacts have a formal closure with the content, which the student defends and interprets in the context of cultural-historical contexts, forms and styles in relation to their own artistic and artistic opinion. Introductory meetings, acquaintance with time allocation, number and content of lessons and classifications; the personality of the teacher and the criteria of the relationship to the student.

Determination of individual tasks; tasks, solutions, procedures, variants and targeting; tasks, solutions, procedures, variants, discussions, information; tasks, qualities and disadvantages; evaluation.