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Graphic Design 2 - Artist's book

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Sylabus:Development of the writing from the hand written pictographs to the computer typography. Culture centers and their role in history.

Europe tradition and roots of culture. Transformations of forms in the relation with time.

Manuscripts, their predecessors - scrolls and letterpress. Modern typography and contemporary book.* Key words: Icons today.

Corporate style.Icon, phonetic writing, centers of the culture, typography, book in the history and today.


Writing as a fundamental cultural phenomenon of human history. Its origins and development. Cultural and artistic-pictorial roots of writing in European and non-European cultures. Creation of lettering, calligraphy and their usage in today's applied graphic art and graphic design.

Book as a product and a carrier of culture. Manuscript, letterpress and present written and pictorial message in media.

Euroamerican civilization and books. Book and periodical publications typography. Corporate visual style, its history, development and today's forms.