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Philosophical Course AII a-b – Reading Philosophical Texts

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Paralelka vyučující: David Rybák

1) Svět není ve světě

2) Eleatský objev možnosti myslet a jeho psychologická dezinterpretace

3) Idea a časové paradoxy s ní spojené

4) Idea a pojem

5) Idea a čas

6) Idea a apodikticita

7) Idea a idea (perceptio)

8) Noein a dianoein - arché a hypotéza

9) Noein a cogitare

10) Noein a firemní procesy

11) Kritika jako ohledávání kritéria umožnící apokrisi v situaci krise


The seminar "Czech Philosophical Thought" provides students with the opportunity to read and understand selected texts of Czech thinkers. It helps them develop their own critical and philosophical thinking, and their ability of expressing their thoughts.

The course is devoted to reading texts from the period of philosophical thinking focused on existence. Jaspers' text analysis of the Spiritual Situation of Time is the introductory chapter of this course, where the author critically deals with the tendencies of time, mass, and leveling on a global scale of culture. The course will focus on clarifying Jaspers' philosophical ideas about raising humanity and transcendence as a challenge to freedom and openness.