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Academic writting and publication preparation

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Témata přednáškového bloku

 Základní informace k publikační činnosti v doktorském studiu

 Odborný článek jako specifická forma vědecké publikace

 Psaní odborného článku jako tvůrčí proces

 Abstrakt a jeho příprava

 Typické formy psaných publikačních výstupů v psychologii (článek, report, návrh výzkumného projektu)

 Typické formáty odborných článků v odborných časopisech v psychologii, struktura odborného článku

 Psaní jako forma argumentace, logika konstrukce odborného článku

 První draft textu odborného článku

 Tipy a zkušenosti pro proces psaní, zvládání obtíží v různých fázích procesu přípravy odborného článku


The course systematically develops academic writing skills for the needs of publishing the outputs of creative and scientific work. In terms of form, it combines 1) the lecture part in the scope of 6 teaching hours with 2) follow-up blocks of independent creative work by the student in the total scope of 12 hours and 3) seminar blocks of meetings with feedback on abstracts and first drafts of students' professional texts in the total scope of 6 hours.

As part of the lecture and seminar work, students will become familiar with the basic forms of professional texts in psychology, with the typical structure of a professional text and with the characteristics of individual structural elements of a professional article (title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion). The space is dedicated to the general principles of academic writing for the needs of publishing the results of scientific work as well as specific experiences with the creation of written publication outputs.

Within the block of independent creative preparation of the text, students prepare a draft of the text of a professional article (for publication) on their own topic, preferably on the topic of their own dissertation. The final part of the course consists of a seminar meeting of students and teachers for the purpose of implementing structured feedback on abstracts and first drafts of students' texts.

Topics of the lecture block  Basic information on publishing activity in doctoral studies  Expert article as a specific form of scientific publication  Writing an expert article as a creative process  Abstract and its preparation  Typical forms of written publication outputs in psychology (article, report, research project proposal)  Typical formats of professional articles in professional journals in psychology, the structure of the professional article  Writing as a form of argumentation, the logic of the construction of the professional article  The first draft of the text of the professional article  Tips and experiences for the writing process, coping with difficulties at different stages of the process of preparing a professional article