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Foreign language - English IV

Class at Faculty of Education |


Main topics (pre-intermediate):

Grammar and functions:

Past Perfect used to

Reported speech say and tell 

Question tags expressing and justifying opinions giving and reacting to news

Topics and vocabulary: success and achievement state and society suffixes: -ant, -ent, -ance, -ence sport the media multitasking films  

Main topics (intermediate):

Grammar and functions:

Third conditional

I wish and If only

Speculating about the past

Defining relative clauses

Non-defining relative clauses

Topics and vocabulary: decisions and regrets describing jobs idioms: work conflict gender-neutral job titles technology and gadgets online friendships phrasal verbs: relationships words often confused words with more than one meaning 


In this course, the students systematically work with the texbook Insight published by Oxford University Press to develop their oral, listening, reading and writing skills as well as grammar and vocabulary. The overall aim is to help the students become more confident and fluent users of the English language.

The course is offered in two language levels, pre-intermediate and intermediate.