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Overview of the history and culture of France II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Témata uvedená v anotaci budou konkretizována probírána v individuálních konzultacích dle domluvy se studenty. 1-2: Francouzská revoluce a její aktéři; dějinný význam měšťanských revolucí v Evropě prismatem filosofie dějin a politických teorií 19. století; čas mýtu versus čas dějin 3-4: Přechod od osvícenství k preromantismu, romantismus - nová sensibilita; kolonialismus, expansionismus 5-6: Industrializace, vliv nových ekonomických a politických struktur na vztah mezi umělcem a společností, na vnímání, status a (sebe)reprezentaci tvůrčího jedince 7-8: Francouzský politický systém a věda v proměnách 19. a 20. století; vědecká revoluce přelomu 19. a 20. století 9-10: Ideový a filosofický podklad realismu a naturalismu; souboj estetických paradigmat doby fin du siècle; krystalizace avantgard 10-11: Moderna a post(-)moderna; doba post-historická?


This part of the cycle is dedicated to the history and culture of France from the Great French Revolution to the present and follows the following axes:

Students will gain an overall view of the given period in its main lines of sociological, economic and political development, with significant events and personalities, with an emphasis on the relationship of continuity and divides in the transition from the earlier to the later era of the modern age.

The second axis will enable students to orientate themselves in the history of French art and penetrate the inner logic of important artistic trends through leading artistic figures and canonical works (especially literature, but also to the extent possible architecture, painting, sculpture, music); with an emphasis on the constancy and transformation of the forms of European cultural heritage - in a pendant to the historical analogies of the first axis - at the same time it will offer support points for their enlightened, historically based interpretation.

The content of the third axis will be orientation in the basic bibliography and thinking about ways to introduce children in the age group of the first grade of elementary school to these topics.