1. Geometrical concepts with the YES-NO game and POSSIBE-IMPOSSIBLE game.
2. Nets of cubes (finding regularities, isolated and generic models).
3. Cube solids.
4. Cube solids, their combinatorial structure.
5. Prisms and pyramids (measurement, Pythagorean theorem application).
6. Regular solids.
7. 2D geometry - methods of learning 2D shapes
8. 2D geometry - transformations od 2D shapes as a way to deep understanding of geomnetrical phenomena
The course aims at the opening of the world of geometry, at the development of geometrical concepts and understanding of geometrical relationships. By active solving problems from several geometric areas in 2D and mainly in 3D geomatry, by problem posing and by solving problems from mathematical competitions, the students will deepen, complete and classify their geometrical knowledge which they need for the further study of their didactical transformation in teaching geometry at primary level.
Variety of solving strategies of tasks aplicable in primary geometry will be in our focus.