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Children's Theater and Theater for Children

Class at Faculty of Education |


Syllabus of the course: 1.       Introduction to issues, division of papers, video presentation of theatrical performances. 2 . Visits to theater performances. 3. Analysis of theater performances, papers / powerpoint presentations /, videotapes - records from the National Children's Theater Show - Children's Stage /.

Topics of papers: 1.professional literature related to the issue of theater for children and children's theater 2. The most significant theater scenes with a repertoire for children's viewers / Minor Theater Prague, Naive Theater Liberec, Drak Theater Hradec Králové, Alfa Theater Plzeň / 3. significant events and institutions related to children's theater and children's theater / children's playground, Loutkařská Chrudim, Puppets Museum of Puppets, Puppet Museum Chrudim, Labyrinth Labyrinth Hradec Králové /


In this course, the students will get acquainted with the specifics of the children's theater and on specific demonstrations they will name dramaturgical, directorial, scenographic, musical means.

Students will learn about the process of children's theater or performances.

Students will visit at least three theater performances for children or children's plays. They will review reviews according to the outline.

Students will get acquainted with the basic theatrical procedures, its features and the specifics of children's theater and children's theaters.

Based on the study of professional literature, each student prepares a powerpoint presentation on the subject.