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Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age II

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of the course is to convey the benefits of pre-school education for children at three basic levels: cognitive, social and emotional. Explain the role of the teacher in the personally conceived pre-school education and the contribution of the quality of the kindergarten climate.

Individual topics: • Cognitive area: development focused on constructivist conception (Alfieri's process of cognition and learning, connection with pedagogical diagnostics, project method and teacher's position) • Cognitive development stages (Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky) • Blom's taxonomy of educational goals • Bertrand's Theory of Education and Their Relation to the Basis of FEP PV • The Relation between the Needs of the Child and the Fulfillment of Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development (A. Maslow - 1970, Langmaier, Matejcek, SI Greenspan) ) • The child as a part of a larger set of peer groups and self-concept • The competence of a kindergarten teacher in all the above-mentioned levels and in professional facilities.