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Language Proficiency Seminar I (Level C2)

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of this course is further development of language skills from the level C1-plus to the C2 level of the Common European Framework for Languages. This is the first semester of a two-semester course.

There is systematic classroom work with the course book with the aim to develop all four skills with a marked emphasis on accuracy, fluency and complexity of language. Grammar areas studied are e.g. the perfect tenses, aspects of the future, conditionals, participle clauses, etc.

The topics include e.g. changes, behaviour, rituals, consumer society, music, etc. The texts and recordings are analysed from multiple aspects and the students are encouraged to summarise the content and to critically discuss it.

New collocations, phrasal verbs and abstract words are taught in order to further extend the students’ vocabulary. Less frequented grammar structures appearing in the texts are studied to enhance the students’ knowledge of grammar.

Some topical articles from the current press are used to supplement the basic course book.