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Continuous English language teaching practice at lower-secondary school level with reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |


The teaching practice consists of three integral phases: preparatory - implementation/teaching - reflective.

Organisation of the teaching practice, requirements for students before, during and after the teaching practice itself, acquaintance with official documents.

Preparation for the teaching practice:

Review of the characteristics of good English language teaching stated during the observation practice: What characteristics would I like to fulfil during the teaching practice?

Observation sheet design - to get acquainted with the classes in which the students will teach + preparation of questions for the teacher menotrs.

Formation of student micro-groups (pairs).

Selecting schools and approaching mentors.

Getting familiar with relevant parts of the school's curriculum, sharing in the seminar.

Revision of relevant topics: especially specific aspects of English language teaching; curriculum documents; lesson planning (aims, objectives, lesson structure, etc.)

Teaching practice itself:

Initial observations in the classes and groups in which the students will teach. Questioning teachers on prepared and actual questions arising from the observations.

Further mutual student observations, discussions and sharing.

Tandem teaching, with mentor and/or classmate, including reflection.

Independent teaching, including reflection with mentor (including video recording of at least one lesson).

Gradual portfolio completion.


Reflection of the teaching practice:

Reflection of the teaching practice, including identification of own strengths and space for further improvement.

Self-assessment - characteristics of good english language teaching

Self-assessment and mentor assessment (according to the Professional Qualities Framework)

Written reflection on video recording

Completion of the professional portfolio

Peer sharing

Final reflective interviews


Continuous subject specific teaching practice with reflection is focused mainly on individual students’ teaching performance and its reflection with specific attention paid to the age of lower secondary school pupils. It consists of several basic stages: familiarization od students with selected school as an institution including relevant curricular documents and classes of individual students’ mentors through observation; own teaching performance in mentor’s classes, both in cooperation with mentor or with a classmate and individually.

Students will also realize mutual observations. After the teaching practice, there will be a reflective phase.

An integral part of the teaching practice will be a recording of a selected lesson and its reflection.