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Teaching practice at higher secondary school with reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |


(1) gettinng acquainted with the relevant school as an institution, including relevant curricular documents as well as with each mentors´ groups by means of classroom observations;

(2) independent teaching and teaching related activities in the mentorś groups i cooperation the mentor as well as without him/her. Making a video recording of a lesson and its reflection  (with the mentor and the teacher of subject didactis from KAJL) is an integral part of the practice. The students will observe (with their colleagues) and analyse  the recordings of their own lessons. Student will increase their professional portfolio includig the relevant materials from this teaching practice.


Teaching practice at secondary schools with reflection mostly focuses on independent teaching of individual students with the follow on reflection with special attention paid to the age specifics of secondary school students.The practice consists of two basic periods: (1) gettinng acquainted with the relevant school as an institution, including relevant curricular documents as well as with each mentors´ groups by means of classroom observations; (2) independent teaching and teaching related activities in the mentorś groups i cooperation the mentor as well as without him/her. Making a video recording of a lesson and its reflection (with the mentor and the teacher of subject didactis from KAJL) is an integral part of the practice.

The students will observe (with their colleagues) and analyse the recordings of their own lessons. Student will increase their professional portfolio includig the relevant materials from this teaching practice.