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Selected aspects of English didactics II

Class at Faculty of Education |


1 Factors of the teaching learning process 2 teaching EL aims 3  contents of teaching English 4 the student ( including the students wit special educational needs) 5 the teacher 6 managing the educational process (including the role of the mother tongue) 7 principles of creation curricural documents (Framework Education Programme, School Education Programme) 8  lesson planning 9 evaluation and marking in teaching foreign languages/error correction - using authentic materials


The aim of the course is the application of theoretical subject didactics knowledge in the context of secondary schools. The students wil get acquainted with the principles and ways of creation of basic curricular documents (Framework Education Programme, School Education Programme) mainly with respect to the development of communicative competency. Subject didactics topics stuctured in accordance with the main factors of the teaching/learning process will be set in the context of teaching the English language at secondary schools.

Analysis of video recordings from secondary schools enable the students to clearly identify and evaluate individual aspects of FL teaching and therefore focus their own professional focus.