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Practical Course Of Techniques Used In Teaching

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Pozornost bude věnována především těmto okruhům témat:

· mikroskopování a optika ve výuce· metody tvorby trvalých mikroskopických preparátů, praktické použití různých typů médií· sběr, preparace a didaktická práce s rostlinným materiálem· sběr, kultivace a didaktická práce s prvoky· sběr, preparace a didaktická práce s bezobratlými

· provedení laboratorních cvičení zaměřených na fyziologii člověka· zpracování osteologického materiálu· dermoplastické preparáty


The aim of this subject is to prepare students - future teachers of Natural history and Biology - for the preparation and management of practical forms of teaching of these subjects. During the course, students will learn the methodology of collection, conservation and cultivation of natural resources and try out the making of a range of preparation of teaching aids using them.

They will improve their work in laboratory as well in the field and learn to set up and maintain biological school collections. They will also become familiar with the principles of safe operating in a school laboratory, preparing and conducting practical exercises and field trips.

During the course, students will create their own collection of permanent microscopic slides and other facilitations, which they can use during their career as a teacher. Protocols from laboratory exercises will later serve as a kind of "personal cookbook" for the implementation of practical tasks.

Study programmes