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Identification practice in zoology

Class at Faculty of Education |


Practical identification of natural resources, especially animals, requires thorough preparation and subsequent verification of the result of this preparation in the field, in a specific situation. The course will be taught by means of presentations.

Students will be required to work in groups to develop their own identification aids, which will be presented in class or on a field trip, including verification of their functionality. Classification is not given for mere knowledge, but for the ability to adequately describe the diacritical marks of specific species and species groups.

Principles of practical identification of animals in the field; identification of fish, specific situations, methods; identification of amphibians, ranges, frog calls; identification of reptiles, range conditions; identification of birds I - visual identification in the field; identification of birds II. - identification by vocal expression, basics; mammal identification, visual identification in the field; mammal identification by tracks and residence traces; mammal identification by voice; identification of returning vertebrates and invasive vertebrate species.

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