Úvodní do korpusové lingvistiky - metodologie korpusové lingvistiky
Vytváření jazykových korpusů
Korpusové náístroje a aplikace ČNK
Dotazovací jazyk
Frekvence a její interpretace
Lexikologie a kolokace
Mluvený jazyk v korpusech
Kontrastivní korpusová lingvistika a paralelní korpusy
The course Corpus linguistics is aimed at students who would like to use language corpora in their teaching as well as at those who are interested in corpus linguistics or empirical linguistics in general.
The main focus of the course is on corpora and language tools developed and maintained at the Czech National Corpus project. Apart from mastering the practical skills of searching the corpus students will be shown how to use corpora in their own research and teaching, with special attention devoted to the problem of interpretation of results.
Attestation requirements
- active attendence
- home work based on CNC (a short analyze)