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Selected chapters of world literature

Class at Faculty of Education |

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    datum téma

Čítanka referát 11. 10.


P. Fleming: básně

Shakespearovy Sonety 18. 10.


J. Racine: Faidra

Molière: Misantrop 25. 10. 18. století

Voltaire: Candide

Defoe: Robinson Crusoe NEBO Goethe: Viléma Meistera léta učednická 29. 11.

Literatura galantní a libertinská

Laclos: Nebezpečné známosti

Paní de Lafayette : Kněžna de Clèves 6. 12.


Goethe: Utrpení mladého Werthera

Goethe: Král duchů 13. 12.

Alternativní polohy romantismu: ironický odstup a „nemoc století“ (Puškin),  fantastická inspirace (Poe)

Puškin: Evžen Oněgin

Poe: Zánik domu Usherů 20. 12.


Rilke: Orfeus Euridyke Hermes

Rimbaud: Opilý koráb 3. 1.

Proudy v současné próze: ekologická tíseň, otázky rasy a genderu

McCarthy: Cesta

Ngozi Adichieová: Amerikána  


This cross-sectional compulsory-elective course loosely follows the compulsory world literature course (OPNC4L011A) in the first year of the master's cycle and deals with paradigmatic literary texts from the 17th century to the present day. Its aim is to further deepen not only the literary-historical and theoretical knowledge, but also the reasoning, interpretation and communication skills of future teachers.

The texts in the reading are chosen with respect to their representativeness as well as their artistic quality. Our activities in the seminar relie on an electronic reader, which we share through MS Teams, and interpretation questioning, which the lecturer emails to seminar participants in advance.

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