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Diploma Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Volba tématu diplomové práce I.

2. Volba tématu diplomové práce II.

3. Volba relevantní literatury a pramenů.

4. Koncepce práce, metody zpracování a prezentace.

5. Samostatná vystoupení jednotlivých studentů.

6. Samostatná vystoupení jednotlivých studentů.   Odkaz:


The course sums up and examines the school history subject in terms of basic subject matter taught from Czech and general history. Small groups of students will work around diverse topics agreed upon according to their significance and/or thematic urgency (which also leaves the required readings to be determined in time).

The course includes wide-range discussion regarding various presentation and teaching styles according to the nature of the individual topics in question.