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Didactics of Literature

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of the course is to introduce theoretical basis of didactics for the students‘ future teaching practice with the emphasis on the specific issues of teaching French. Students will get acquainted with the fundamental didactic knowledge, with the history as well as with the present development of the approach to teaching French as a foreign language (FLE).

The course also aims to innovate the traditional approach to didactics and methodology of FLE (« Français fondamental », SERR) by introducing a new modern approach of applying in practice the new didactic theory based on the linguistic analysis of literary texts. How to use a high-quality literary text while teaching French on different levels? How to achieve reading comprehension while reading an original text in French? How to work with the text in traditional way (vocabulary, meaning of the text) as well as in a non-traditional way (group work, discussing different points of views on one topic, creative writing) ? Student work with literary text and they answer (in oral or in written) the questions following from the selected text, they discuss and express their opinion in French (level B2-C1)