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Phonetic Variability of French Language

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1.+2. Le français parlé, les élements de linguistique pour la description l'oral, la variation socio-phonologique etc. 3.+4.

Le français de référence et le français méridionale 5.+6 Le français en Belgique, en Suisse, en Afrique et dans les DROM, le français en Amérique du Nord 7.+8. La prononciation des apprenants de français langue étrangere


The student will become familiar with the phonetic and phonological system of standard French, regional varieties (regional pronunciation of selected French regions, specifics of Canadian, Belgian and Swiss French, French in Africa, etc.), social varieties and pronunciation registers (careful, neutral and familiar styles). Space will also be devoted to the phonostylistic level, and to the phonetic variability not only of the segmental but also of the suprasegmental level of authentic utterances of native and non-native speakers, their listening analysis and transcription.

The interpretation of the pronunciation specifics of the mentioned language areas will be illustrated on recordings of authentic speeches and conducted not only from a linguistic perspective, but also didactic recommendations for the future practice of students, the use and integration of the newly acquired knowledge into the teaching of French as a foreign language will be an important part of the course.

The content of the course is being updated from the winter semester 2022/2023.

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