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Observation practice in German

Class at Faculty of Education |


Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to commence the field-specific practical training of students in a timely manner. Classroom observation is therefore included in the first semester of the follow-up master's degree program, and so students have the opportunity to become acquainted with a particular educational environment at primary or secondary school before their continuous practice.

The course consists of six lessons in German language teaching at school, where observation forms and assigned tasks follow the course of lessons and the subsequent reflection in the range of six hours, which takes place in a standard study environment under the guidance of the teacher. Participation of selected invited practitioners - teachers, where the practice took place, is also expected to be reflected in the reflection.

In order to meet the outcome of the observation practice students prepare the first portfolios, which then become part of the final summary portfolio (see Didactics of German IV).