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Continuous practice in German at elementary school with reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Studenti budou v prvním týdnu hospitovat u uvádějícího učitele, vykonávat asistentskou činnost (oprava sešitů, písemných prací, dozorů apod.). Seznámí se blíže s kolektivem tříd, kde budou v dalších třech týdnech vyučovat. Vdalších třech týdnech studenti absolvují samostatné výstupy a rozbory odučených hodin. Povedou si dokumentaci o hospitační a vyučovací činnosti (hospitační a rozborové listy jsou k dispozici v „manuálu“).

Obsahem této pedagogické praxe je rovněž účast na školních a mimoškolních akcích (pedagogické rady, rodičovské schůzky, kulturní akce školy, exkurze), o kterých si studenti povedou záznam.


In connection with Listening practice in German with reflection in IB focused on observations in German language lessons at primary schools, grammar schools and secondary vocational schools, students of the follow-up master's degree program in Continuous German practice at elementary school with reflection in addition to 10 observations will also 24 individual outputs in the approbation subject German language at faculty primary schools, or at schools cooperating with PedF UK. In the preparatory seminars, students were introduced to teaching in various educational programs (eg CLIL program, extended teaching of German - DSD I program, bilingual teaching) and curricular documents of schools of various specializations and founders ("state" schools, private schools, church schools, including schools with a foreign founder).

The task of continuous pedagogical practice is to acquaint students with schools that reach the language level in German from A1 to B1 +, to show ways of working with younger and older school-age pupils, from audio-oral teaching in the 1st year to the project German Language Diploma I in 8. year of elementary school. The team of experienced German speakers will provide practicing students with both methodological guidance in preparing for the lessons and a practical analysis of individual outputs in order to introduce students to the current practice of schools.