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Postmodernism in literature

Class at Faculty of Education |

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- Literární etapa 1990 - současnost v německojazyčné oblasti

- Charakteristika pojmů moderna, modernismus, postmoderna

- Vývoj a podstatné rysy moderny a modernismu

- Přechod moderny a modernismu v postmodernu

- Základní znaky postmoderny

- Německý modernismus: Heiner Müller, Wolfgang Hilbig, Brigitte Kronauer, Daniel Kahlmann

- Německá postmoderna: Patrick Süskind, Ingo Schulze, Thomas Brussig, Judith Hermann

- postmoderní texty popové kultury

- Rakouská postmoderna: Robert Menasse, Arno Geiger, Franzobel

- Švýcarská postmoderna: Christian Kraft


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the complicated and somewhat chaotic development of modern literature in the German language area with the advent of postmodernism in the last decades of the 20th century. It will explain the basic concepts of contemporary literature (modernism, postmodernism) and attempt to characterize them in the light of historical and philosophical (Jameson, Derrida, Lyotard) developments in contemporary Europe.

The lecture will support the postulated thesis with examples from the works of German modernist authors (Peter Handke, Botho Strauß, Nicolas Born, Heiner Müller, Brigitte Kronauer) and more contemporary postmodern authors from Germany (Ingo Schulze, Thomas Brussig, Wolfgang Hilbig, Judith Hermann), Austria (Daniel Kehlmann, Robert Menasse) and Switzerland (Thomas Kraft, Zoe Jenny).