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German language and communication in education

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Kurs je rozčleněn do osmi tematických bloků. 13. 10. Zahájení a ukončení vyučovací hodiny20. 10.

Motivace žáků a pochvala, pokárání žáků27. 10. práce s učebnicí a rozvíjení klíčových komunikativních dovedností žáků1. 12. práce ve dvojicích a skupinové aktivity žáků8. 12. Hry ve výuce115. 12.

Hry ve výuce222. 12. Média ve výuce1 2024 5. 1.

Shrnutí obsahu kursu


The aim of the course is to develop students' ability to communicate with pupils and students in German. Students practise basic phrases at different stages of the lesson and in different educational situations.

The phrases are practised in micro-performances which are recorded by a video camera and then analysed, including error analysis. Phrases from the following areas will be practiced: phases for the beginning, progress and end of the lesson.

Phrases for organizational instructions - classroom layout, time organization. Organisation of pupils' activities.

Phrases for practising language resources and speaking skills. Phrases for positive motivation of pupils - praise, encouragement, admonition.

Phrases for examining and testing pupils. Phrases for assigning homework.

Phrases for pupil-teacher communication.