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Methodology of Literature for Children and Youth

Class at Faculty of Education |


The content of the course consists of a theoretical presentation of selected problem areas depending on individual didactic procedures and literary genres (in lectures) and didacticisation on the example of specific texts (in seminars), depending on literary genres that are understood as standardly suitable for didactic adaptation (e.g. small lyric, fairy tale, story), then on genres that are relatively modern (e.g. comics, picture books) and lastly on genres that are relatively new in the VCJ (e.g. the novel for young adults and teenage readers) and which involve working with large epic texts. The course does not neglect the phenomenon of mediation and also takes into account work with films intended for children or young people. The aim of the course is to present a comparative view of German-language literature for children and young people from the perspective of foreign language teaching, to make students aware of the importance of literature as a factor in the development of the child's personality, with an emphasis on the development of intercultural and social competences, which go hand in hand with the deepening of linguistic competences. 1/ First contacts with literature, conveying the sound and language images, concrete poetry - Working with melody and rhythm combined with language play. Using the example of various forms of minor lyric poetry from folk to original poetry (e.g. folk poetry; ballads; songs; dada; concrete poetry) 2/ Picture books. Graphic novels. Comics. Pictorial and/ or visual narrative. Picture books and comics in relation to language teaching (e.g. J. Bauer: Königin der Farben). Common and different features of picture books and comics. Communication in working with literary text. Working with art techniques and photography as additional components of literary education.

3) Fairy tales. Traditional and / or original fairy tales. Narrative prose with fairy tale motifs. Familiar stories in a familiar or unexpectedly new form conditioned by mediation in a foreign language. Work with the dramatisation of the text (Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales).

4) Fantasy with a focus on creative writing (e.g. M. Ende: Die unendliche Geschichte).

5) Adventure novel. Robinzonade. Novels with an Indian theme. Working with the semantics of the text - the timelessness of the theme of friendship and its images in traditional literature. Working with film. (Karl May: Winnetou).

6) Contemporary novels for children and young people. Detective stories. Working with media and the internet as a component of literary education. (E. Kästner: Emil ind die Detektive, A. Steinhöfel: Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten). Stories of young adults. Working with musical texts as a component of literary education. (T. Bach: Marsmädchen; W. Herrndorf: Tschick). 7/ Memorial places in literature. Literature as a means of creating cultural memory (e.g. M. Presslr: Ein Buch für Hanna).

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