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Analysis and pedagogical interpretation of the musical work II

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. General and specific work of art in the analysis and interpretation of his teaching, principles of thematization lessons focused on working with a work of art2. Movement in music, examples of educational thematization: the role of music in society, the expression of rhythm and meter in physical activities of man, the history section of genres, in which rhythm and meter acts as a dominant means of expression3. Music and nature, examples of educational thematization: the nature of inspiration in the development of genres and styles, onomatopoeia, characteristics typical musical means of expression4. Music and the human heart, examples of educational thematization: the role of music in the media compared to the resources of other types of art and language, dušemalba, emotion, style and musical phraseology5. Music and the human voice, examples of educational thematization: unison in music history and contemporary polyphony and its basic types, vocal polyphony, the song as the top solo vocal speech6. Music and musical instruments, examples of educational thematization: instrumental counterpoint as a manifestation of the turn of musical thinking, dynamic development of musical instruments, developmental changes in orchestra and chamber music7. Music and ritual, didactic examples thematization: ritual and religious function of music, music and ceremonies in popular culture and is currently8. Music, words, film and theater, didactic examples thematization: melodrama, major works of incidental music past and present, film music9. Music as drama, examples of educational thematization: musical theater in the changes of time10. Music as a picture and story, examples of educational thematization: programnosti indications in earlier developmental periods, genre pictures, the peak of programmatic music creation, the basic conditions of program music aperception11. Music and technical progress, examples of educational thematization: the share of improvisation in the songs of different stylistic periods, means of expression and ways of recording and music of sonic, electronic and electro-acoustic, electronic instruments in popular music12. The concept of pedagogical work in the preparation and implementation of a multidisciplinary project13. Possibilities and limits the activities of students in the preparation and implementation of a multidisciplinary project


Comprehensive analysis of the compositions and the resulting educational interpretation with an emphasis on creating teaching situations and solve problems arising from such situations. Didactic situations are concentrated on the complex issue of concept artwork, namely the inter-subject relations, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary.

Understanding of participants showing a separate output with didactic presentations chosen musical work, while demonstrating skill of pedagogical work with the audience.